Quinuituq meaning deep patience

This blog named “quinuituq” is an Inuit name meaning “deep patience”. Closer to me is all the thoughts that have gone through this coming project. I came back down from the North in late 2010 and I have been planning this project since, but because I wasn't sure of the form my project would take, there was a need to think it through. Deep patience was a necessary quality in this case.

The project for which I have had to develop deep patience concerns the welfare of the Inuit mothers and their children. Since it concerns the people of the north, where there are no trees, where they do not grow either vegetables, nor fruits, where because of the permafrost, houses have to be built on stilts to compensate for unstable soils. It is the land of aurora borealis. It is a land where people have a hard time lying. Such a refreshing change! I hope whoever reads the articles in this blog to be as interested as I am about the Inuit and their culture.

Earlier on in the year, as I was speaking to a friend about my project, I was asked why I deemed it so important to do this project. My answer was that I felt that I had not accomplished what I wanted when I was there in 2009 and so, I have a task, unfinished, with and for the Inuit. At this point, I cannot predict my results but I am acting in such a way that things happen to give this project its life.

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